One of the challenges to assessing human wingspan is how to capture the measurement in an outdoor environment. This is especially important in situations involving athletes.
Conventional wingspan measurement takes place indoors and is achieved by affixing a tape measure to a wall. The subject stands with their arms extended outward, and the distance from fingertip to fingertip is recorded.

However, what if a test administrator wants to measure an athlete's wingspan outdoors in the middle of an open field?
A few ideas come to mind. Each has pros and cons.
The first is to erect an improvised wall by using a large board or panel. Multiple boards can be adjoined to achieve the desired length. There are a few advantages: It works fairly well and can be cost-effective. The disadvantage is that it may not be as accurate as other methods. Furthermore, it may not be logistically convenient. Even worse, it can and probably will blow down if wind is present.
The second idea involves utilizing two test administrators. Each would hold the extended tape measure in place at opposite ends while the subject is measured. A benefit to using this method is convenience. However, it may not be as accurate as other methods because it requires that the tape be held somewhat level and completely still for long enough to obtain a reading.
A third idea is to use digital measuring techniques such as laser distance meters, mobile apps, and other sensory devices. Electronic measuring offers both convenience and acceptable levels of accuracy. But how do they perform under extreme conditions like sun, wind, or rain? Unfortunately, harsh weather conditions could compromise measurement accuracy. As a consequence, digital measuring might be contraindicated in certain environments.
The fourth idea involves purchasing a dedicated wingspan measurement tool. There are very few devices on the market today that are designed exclusively for athlete wingspan measurement. High-quality devices take into account important factors such as portability, convenience, accuracy, and durability in harsh weather conditions.

A dedicated wingspan measuring device has many advantages. Since they are designed exclusively for measuring arm span, coaches and test administrators can assess large groups of athletes faster than they would using other methods. They are highly accurate and convenient. They also offer portability, which makes them ideal for measuring outdoors where there is no wall. The main disadvantage is they may not be as budget-friendly as other makeshift options.